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Mount Rushmore                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            v Bienvenue en Dakota-Sud !!
  Photos disponiblent 76
Capitale Pierre
Population 755 000
Densitée 3.85 / Km²
Entrée dans l'union 02/11/1889
Rang dans l'union 40
Slogan The Mount Rushmore State
v Dernières photos publiées v Drapeau, Dakota-Sud, slogan v Dakota-Sud, sur la carte des USA
Dakota-Sud, Mount Rushmore National Memorial sculpture by Gutzon Borglum represents the first 150 years of the history of the United States of America. Featuring 60-foot/18 m sculptures of the heads of former United States presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It's definitively a must to see. It is located on the Black Hills National Forest.
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Dakota-Sud, Mount Rushmore National Memorial sculpture by Gutzon Borglum represents the first 150 years of the history of the United States of America. Featuring 60-foot/18 m sculptures of the heads of former United States presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It's definitively a must to see. It is located on the Black Hills National Forest.
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Dakota-Sud, Flags Avenue at Mount Rushmore. Every pillars supports several states flags, with the date of the acceptance within Union. Mount Rushmore National Memorial sculpture by Gutzon Borglum represents the first 150 years of the history of the United States of America. Featuring 60-foot/18 m sculptures of the heads of former United States presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It's definitively a must to see. It is located on the Black Hills National Forest.
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Dakota-Sud, The Mount Rushmore State
Dakota-Sud, The Mount Rushmore State
v Photos en Dakota-Sud (76)

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v Dakota-Sud photos de villes v Parcs v Photos aléatoires, en Dakota-Sud
  Custer Keystone Not in a city
  Rapid City
Dakota-Sud, Le Mont Rushmore, sculture de Gutzon Borglum, represente les 150 premieres années de l'histoire des Etats Unis. Les status mesurent 18 metres et répresentent les visages d'anciens Présidents des USA, ici Theodore Roosevelt et Abraham Lincoln. La précision de la sculture est impressionante.
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Dakota-Sud, L'avenue des drapeaux au Mont Rushmore. Chaque pillier porte differents drapeau d'Etat, avec la date d'entrée dans l'Union
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Dakota-Sud, Le Crazy Horse Monument : Apercu du projet tel qu'il sera une fois terminé. Le travail continu (arriere plan). On peut distinguer une mince bande blanche peinte. Elle sert de repere.
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 USA Pictures - Picturing AMERICA - Guyzoline contact@usa-pictures.com